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Blizzard Storm (DoubleDash NG)



Blizzard Storm, un pegaso molesto y algo grosero, es el hijo natural de Double Diamond y Rainbow Dash, vivían muy buen como una hermosa pareja y su potrillo, al menos eso creía, las personalidades de sus padres chocaban constantemente y habían muchas peleas, lo que llevo al rompimiento de esa relación, como nunca se casaron, no perdieron tiempo en papeles de divorcio, Dash terminó algo rota de ello, pero siempre trató de esconderlo, Double Diamond se fue a la aldea de igualdad sin nombre fundada por Starlight Glimmer y no supieron de él hasta mas adelante, Blizzard siempre le preguntaba a Mami Dash que donde estaba su padre y nunca le contestaba esa pregunta.

Un día, un antiguo Bully de la infancia, denominado Dumb Bell, encontró a una Dash muy triste, Dumb Bell fue hacia ella y la saludó, Dash no respondió y siguió volando, entonces Dumb Bell le pregunto que pasó, Dash siguió sin responder, se aburrió y Dumb Bell se la llevó a su casa, y estaba el pequeño Blizzard esperando a Mami en la puerta y se extraño al ver a su Mami con otro semental, Dumb Bell al notar al pequeño potrillo, le saludó, Blizzard se asustó un poquito y se fue corriendo a la habitación de su Mami, ellos estuvieron hablando por mucho rato, Dash se notó mas alegre con su visita y él decidió que se quedará, Dumb Bell le devolvió la alegría a Dash que había perdido, las visitas eran mas frecuentes, entonces Blizzard, quería o no, tendría un nuevo padre, pasaron cuatro años, Dumb Bell se disculpó por todo el Bullying que le hizo a Dash y a Fluttershy en su juventud, dio su discurso ridículo y le pidió a Dash que fuera su esposa, y aceptó, en ese entonces Blizzard tenia 10 años y él hizo que hubiera ventisca en el día de la boda de sus padres y obtuvo su Cutie Mark, fruto de su amor, nació Sleigh Bell, era muy pequeña y débil, Blizzard terminó encariñándose de esa bola de plumas, ahora tiene 21 años, sabe que tiene mucho que aprender, a pesar de todas las altas y bajas que ha tenido en su vida.

Padres: Rainbow Dash y Double Diamond (Padre Biológico) - Dumb Bell (Padrastro)
Especie y Género: Pegaso, Masculino.
Físico: Mas pequeño que un Semental normal con enormes alas y delgado.
Talento Especial: Realizar acrobacias en el aire con nieve.
Ocupación: Pony del clima, especialmente en la parte del invierno y hacedor de concursos de cidra.
Apodos: Blizzard, Blitz y Rainbow Crash II (Por parte de su padrastro y sus amigos).
Personalidad: Orgulloso, rebelde y jueguetón.
Cutie Mark: Una hoja azul oscura con nieve.
Residencia: Cloudsdale, vive con sus padres aun.

Relaciones familiares y con otros:

Blizzard no ha visto a su padre biológico desde el día que se fue, sin embargo, supo por medio de las amigas de su Mami que sigue con vida, un día planea ir a la Aldea sin nombre para verlo, será sin permiso de su Mami, siente mucha desesperación por verlo, con Dash se lleva bien, no es la mejor madre, pero se ve que la aprecia mucho, fue quien le enseñó a hacer bromas, con Dumb Bell se lleva bien, aunque al principio no le gustaba la idea de tener a otro padre que no fuera su padre biológico, terminó aceptándolo como padre, se pelea muy seguido con su hermanita y discuten seguido, pero luego se hablan normalmente, ya saben, cosas de hermanos.

-Espacio reservado cuando terminé las bios de los hijos e hijas de las Mane Six-

Datos/Información necesaria:

- Es un hijo nacido fuera del matrimonio, osea en un bastardo.

- Tiene una media-hermana menor, llamada Sleigh Bell, tiende a ser medio protector con ella ya que no tiene Cutie Mark aun, a pesar de que se pelean seguido, la quiere mucho y no quiere que le hagan daño, tiene que aprender a dejarla experimentar por si misma.

- Es el segundo en nacer de los hijos e hijas de las Mane Six.

- Cuando estaba en sus años de rebeldía, mas o menos conocido como adolescencia, salia muy seguido sin permiso de la casa, ni siquiera le pidió permiso a Mami Dash para ponerse esos piercings y comprarse ese pañuelo, sigue siendo un joven pegaso rebelde, solo que ya su rebeldía no es tan potente como en aquellos días, lo cual es un alivio para Dash debido a que muchos padres se quejaban de esto.

- Es el mejor amigo de Chaotic Prank, ambos pasaron mucho tiempo de su infancia juntos, Blizzard le enseñó como hacer bromas y a liberarse, por que era bien tímido debido a como luce, claro, Pinkie Pie se alegró de que se liberará y le valiera un comino lo que le dijeran los demás, solo que tiene algo de miedo de que le haga daño a alguien por sus bromas.

- Es muy molesto y prefiere molestar a los que ve como un blanco fácil, cosa que aprendió de su padrastro Dumb Bell, sin embargo Mami Dash lo castiga si ve que se pasa de la raya.

- Él detesta cuando le prohíben beber de la cidra de los Apples, se pone malcriado, trabaja para conseguir Bits para comprarse mucha cidra y hace competencias de quien bebe mas cidra en determinado tiempo, es como su segundo trabajo y le va mejor que en su trabajo como Pony del clima, renunciaría a ese trabajo, pero luego no tendría Bits para comprar de esa deliciosa y suculenta cidra.


Blizzard Storm, an annoying and somewhat rude pegasus, is the love child son of Double Diamond and Rainbow Dash, they lived very well as a beautiful couple and their colt, at least so he believed, the personalities of his parents constantly collided and there were many fights, which led to the breakup of that relationship, as they never married, they didn't waste time in divorce papers, Dash ended up somewhat broken of it, but always tried to hide it, Double Diamond went to the unnamed equality village founded by Starlight Glimmer and they didn't know about him until later, Blizzard always asked to Mommy Dash where his father was and she never answered that question.

One day, an old Bully from childhood, named Dumb Bell, found a very sad Dash, Dumb Bell went to her and greeted her, Dash didn't respond and continued flying, then Dumb Bell asked her what happened, Dash didn't respond yet, he got bored and Dumb Bell took her to her house, and there was the little Blizzard waiting for Mommy at the door and was surprised to see his Mommy with another stallion, Dumb Bell noticed the little colt, he greeted him, Blizzard was a little scared and ran to his Mommy's room, they were talking for a long time, Dash felt more cheerful with his visit and he decided to stay, Dumb Bell returned the joy to Dash had lost, visits were more frequent, then Blizzard, wanted or not, would have a new father, four years passed, Dumb Bell apologized for all the bullying he did to Dash and Fluttershy in his youth, gave his ridiculous speech and asked Dash to be his wife, and she accepted, then Blizzard was 10 years old and he made a blizzard on his parents' wedding day and got his Cutie Mark, fruit of their love, was born Sleigh Bell, was very small and weak, Blizzard ended up fond of that ball of feathers, now 21, he knows that he has much to learn, despite all the ups and downs he has had in his life.

Parents: Rainbow Dash and Double Diamond (Biological father) - Dumb Bell (Stepfather)
Species and Gender: Pegasus, Male.
Physical: Smaller than a normal stallion with huge wings and slender.
Special Talent: Perform acrobatics in the air with snow.
Occupation: Weather Pony, especially in the winter part and maker of cider competitions.
Nicknames: Blizzard, Blitz and Rainbow Crash II (by his stepfather and his step father's friends).
Personality: Proud, rebellious and playful.
Cutie Mark: A dark blue leaf with snow.
Residence: Cloudsdale, he still lives with his parents.

Family and other relationships:

Blizzard hasn't seen his biological father since the day he left, however, he learned through the friends of his Mommy that he is still alive, one day plans to go to the village with no name to see it, it will be without permission of his Mommy , he is very desperate to see him, with Dash gets along, is not the best mother, but it is seen that he appreciates her a lot, she was the one who taught him to make jokes, with Dumb Bell gets along, although at first he didn't like the idea to have another father who wasn't his biological father, ended up accepting him as a father, he fights very often with his sister and they argue often, but then they talk normally, you know, sibling things.

- Reserved space when I finished the bios of the sons and daughters of Mane Six-

Data/Information required:

- It's a child born out of wedlock, i mean, a bastard.

- He has a half younger sister, named Sleigh Bell, tends to be protective with her since she does not have Cutie Mark yet, although they fight often, he loves her very much and does not want her to be hurt, he has to learn to let her experience itself.

- He is the second to be born of the sons and daughters of Mane Six.

- When he was in his rebellious years, more or less known as adolescence, he went out very often without permission from the house, he didn't even ask Mommy Dash for permission to wear those piercings and buy that Bandana, he is still a rebellious young pegasus, only that his rebellion isn't as potent as in those days, which is a relief for Dash because many parents complained about this.

- He is the best friend of Chaotic Prank, both spent much of their childhood together, Blizzard taught him how to make jokes and break free, because he was very shy because of he looks, of course, Pinkie Pie was happy that he broke free and worth a little bit what everyone else told him, except that Pinkie is afraid that he might hurt someone for his jokes.

- He is very annoying and prefers to annoy those he sees as an easy target, something he learned from his stepfather Dumb Bell, however Mommy Dash punishes him if he sees that he is over the line.

- He hates when they forbid him to drink from Apples' cider, he gets bratty, he works to get Bits to buy lots of cider and he makes competitions of who drinks more cider in a certain time, it is like his second job and he is doing better than in his work as a weather pony, he would give up that job, but then he wouldn't have Bits to buy from that delicious, succulent cider.


Blizzard Storm, son of Rainbow Dash, Double Diamond (Biological father) and Dumb Bell (Step-father) © :icongarasu-risuto:
MLP Ponies © Hasbro and Lauren Faust
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Cam you draw my OC? 😭